How to Register

1. Visit the Sign-Up Page.

2. Enter your Email Address.

3. Generate a Password that fulfills security criteria:

  • At a minimum, one capital letter
  • At minimum one small letter
  • At least one unique symbol (!@#$%^&*)
  • At a minimum, one numeral

4. Read and accept the Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Community Guidelines, and Terms of Use by ticking the necessary box.

5. You cannot move forward unless you agree to these terms.

6. Press Sign Up.

7. An error message will be displayed if any field is left empty or contains incorrect information.

Password Strength Meter

When you enter your password, a bar will show its strength:

  • This password is too simple – needs improvement.
  • This password is not very secure – think about making it stronger.
  • This password is fine – satisfactory but has room for improvement.
  • This password is secure – strong and safe.

Email Authentication

After you’ve signed up:

1. A screen will appear asking you to Verify Your Email.

2. A verification email will be dispatched to your registered email address.

3. Open the email and select the magic link to confirm your email.

4. You will be redirected to the platform, indicating successful verification.

Didn’t Get the Email?

In case you haven't gotten the verification email:

  1. Press the Resend Email button.
  2. You will be sent a form to Verify Your Email Address.
  3. Enter your Email and Password, then press Send Link.
  4. Look in your inbox for the recent verification email.

Different Registration Options

You can also sign up using:

  • Google Sign-In
  • Apple Login

Press the corresponding button on the sign-up page to continue.

Signing In

After your email has been verified:

1. Go to the Sign-In Page.

2. Enter your registered Email and Password.

3. Press Sign In to enter your account.


Want to view a guide that outlines each step? Here is a video guide that takes you through the process of creating an account, starting from completing the sign-up form to confirming your email. View it now and begin utilizing MiraSpaces without any hassle!


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