Creating an Event Post

When organizing an event in your space, you have the choice to:

  • Publish in Feed: Display the event as a post in your community’s feed, guaranteeing it reaches every member.
  • Allow Comments: Permit members to express their opinions and share insights directly on the event post.

This method enables events to operate as engaging posts that integrate smoothly with additional content in your space.

Interactions with Event Posts

Members can engage with event posts directly in the feed by:

  • Liking: Express their appreciation or curiosity about the event by hitting the like button.
  • Commenting: Provide feedback, raise inquiries, or talk about specifics regarding the event.

Note: Please be aware that all likes and comments are saved under the Posts tab in your area, ensuring that all interactions are organized and easy to manage.

Advantages of Posting Events in Feed

  1. Increased Visibility: Posts in the feed are more likely to attract the interest of community members.
  2. Involvement: Members have the opportunity to engage with the event post, encouraging lively participation.
  3. Smooth Integration: Events blend into the overall content stream within your space.

Read more about events in Events & Community.



  • Create an event and choose the Publish in Feed option.
  • Enable comments to encourage member interaction.
  • Monitor likes and comments under the Posts tab.
  • Use event posts to enhance community engagement and visibility.
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