As Creator

Creators maintain complete authority over subscription settings for their spaces. Follow these steps to manage your subscription options:

1. Select your currency.

2. Choose a subscription type.

3. Set transaction fee responsibility.

Read more about subscription plan setup in Subscription Plan Selection.

As Member

Members of the community can manage their subscriptions with ease. The options listed below can be accessed.

Manage Subscriptions

Observe and track all current subscriptions to different communities.

Cancel Subscriptions

Cancel subscriptions to communities when needed. Canceling a subscription will remove access to the related space once the current billing cycle concludes.

Update Billing Information

Update billing information to guarantee smooth subscription renewals. This involves revising card details.



  • Choose currency and subscription type (weekly, monthly, or annual).
  • Decide on transaction fee responsibility (creator or member).
  • Manage active subscriptions effectively.
  • Cancel subscriptions or update billing details when needed.
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