Space Management

Welcome to your go-to resource for managing MiraSpaces spaces. This guide will walk you through essential tools, settings, and best practices to help you create, customize, and grow your space effectively.

Space Management

Space Setup & Description Essentials
1. Space Overview: Your Hub for Community Growth
Creating Your Space
1. Space Overview: Your Hub for Community Growth
Subscription Models & Pricing
1. Space Overview: Your Hub for Community Growth
Privacy & Access Controls
2. Space Settings: Customizing Your Community
Monetization & Subscription Setup
2. Space Settings: Customizing Your Community
Notifications & Permissions
2. Space Settings: Customizing Your Community
Posting, Scheduling & Drafts
3. Content Creation: Building an Engaging Space
Community Interaction & Feedback
3. Content Creation: Building an Engaging Space
Posting Events in Feed
3. Content Creation: Building an Engaging Space


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Go to Space “Settings > About Space” to edit the name, description, social links, creator details, categories, and subscription settings. Click “Edit” to save changes.

  2. Public: Open to all, no approval needed.
    Private: Hidden, requires approval, supports KYC and paid memberships.
    Adult: Requires KYC for age verification, includes 18+ content, hidden from search.

  3. Enable “Creator Account”, select “Create Space”, add images, details, categories, and privacy settings, then click “Finish” to publish.

  4. Go to “Space Settings” > “Privacy & Access Controls” to manage visibility, member approval, and KYC verification for Private and Adult spaces.